Good Muslim, Bad Muslim

I have been reading a book by Mahmood Mamdani called Good Muslim, Bad Muslim.On page 117 of the book there is a passage that I found quite interesting. I will quote it verbatim.

" No one- including the CIA - really expected the Contras to win the war against the Sandinastas. The point of this war, this terror, was not to win but to bleed the government, to show it as incapable of protecting the population from terror and simultaneously to invite its repression - two different but effective ways of discrediting the government. Testifying before the world court on September 8, 1985, David MacMichael, a CIA national intelligence analyst on Central America from 1981 to 1983 who later became critical of the Contra war, explained that the CIA expected that Contra raids would provoke the Sandinistas into three kinds of aggressions: (1) clamp down on civil liberties within Nicaragua itself, arresting its opposition, demonstrating its allegedly inherent totalitarian nature and thus increase domestic dissent within the country; (2) provoke cross border attacks by Nicaraguan forces and thus serve to demonstrate Nicaragua's aggressive nature and possibly call into play the Organisation of American States; and (3) provoke reaction against United States citizens , particularly towards United States personnel within Nicaragua and thus serve to demonstrate the hostility of Nicaragua towards the United States"

The above strategy was also applied in Afghanistan which was the training ground for the people responsible for the twin towers destruction. It seems they ( the afghani and arabs) have learned their lessons well. The USA now faces the the application against it of the same strategy they used many times in the past.


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